Rebecca's maps

Total population to population density for Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County

A map I created using ArcGIS for GES286.

Map of Baltimore

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Historical unemployment insurance maps

I created these maps in Stata while working on a history paper to discuss how UI coverage has changed across time. Light purple indicates that a state is in the middle 50% of states for weekly maxium benefit generosity and has the median maxium number of weeks.

US Map US Map US Map US Map

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Percent of homes with no AC for 35 major metro areas

I created this map using R to write this blog on how climate change makes AC access a public health issue.

US map with colored dots for AC access prevelance

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Maps for National Center for Homeless Education

I made a series of these using QGIS for the National Center for Homeless Education, under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grant. This one shows the percent of student experiencing homelessness who were also chronically absent.

US map

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‘The Great Question’: Slavery, Sectionalism, and the U.S. Naval Officer Corps, 1820-1861

A map I created using QGIS for Dr. Roger Bailey’s disertation in which he discussed Civil War Naval Officer’s origin’s and loyalties.

Map of US from 1850

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